- Metering Systems
Gas Valves
Gas Valves
Water Valves and Taps
Water Valves and Taps
Metal boxes
- Motorised Valves
- Industrial Ball Valves
About us
The Company Enolgas Bonomi
For more than 60 years, it has been synonymous with reliability, quality and safety.
It has always been a point of reference for a qualified clientele that is attentive to protecting the value of Made in Italy through its own choices.
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From the specialisation in brass ball valves, which has characterised the company since its foundation, today's production includes ball valves for boilers, built-in gas and water valves, metal manifold boxes, steel valves for industrial plant engineering, electrical actuators, metering and climate control systems, and home automation systems. Of great importance is the ETS Enolgas Thermo System, a high-efficiency built-in heat pump system that optimises energy saving; the result of the path undertaken some time ago by the Systems Division, which within Enolgas is focused on the development of products for home automation and environmental sustainability, perfectly aligned with innovative market trends. Sustainability, not just a project that enriches the wide range of products, but a fundamental theme in the company's strategy. Why choose Enolgas? Because our solutions are the result of a synergy between our Research and Development programmes and the needs of our customers, professional distributors, OEMs, designers; and it is precisely flexibility that characterises us, maximum flexibility that implies technical, commercial and organisational skills of great value. There is one phrase that represents the philosophy of our company: "Inspired by the past, projected into the future".
This is Enolgas Bonomi S.p.A.
A 60-year history told through thousands of products.
Founded in 1960 as a family business, specialising in the production of brass ball valves, Enolgas Bonomi is today a Group with a diversified offer and a widespread presence in international markets.
A structured company, capable of responding to customer requests with flexibility and dynamism, without sacrificing quality. Since 1991 Enolgas Bonomi has been certified ISO 9001 and actively collaborates with university departments.
The result? A production rich in innovative solutions and always in line with international standards.

Enolgas Bonomi has always believed in the value of Quality, and was one of the first Italian companies in the sector to implement a Quality Assurance System according to American standards, even before ISO 9001 was drafted.
Aware of the fact that Quality has no limits of time and space, Enolgas is constantly committed and oriented towards improving the product, the service and the collaboration with Customers and Suppliers, in line with the references of the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard.
The selection and training of personnel is fundamental, convinced that human resources are the "figure of merit" of the Company.

Research and development
Only through constant research that we are able to provide innovative products that, meet the needs of our customers. This is why our commitment to maintaining excellence, technological and product innovation is relevant and constantly evolving. The research and development activity starts with the production of ball valves, the core business, industrial valves, motorised valves and heat metering systems; the wide range responds to the many and growing needs of the plumbing, air conditioning and industrial sectors. The research begins with market analysis and the study and choice of alternative and innovative materials in accordance with international directives that regulate their use by eliminating components that are harmful to human health (lead, nickel, etc.); a clear example of this is the growing demand for silicon brass valves, which have been in our production line for some time. The evolutionary process has come to the present day with the design and production of items such as the electric heat pump, which is able to minimise consumption in order to meet the increasingly stringent regulatory requirements in terms of energy saving and respect for the environment.
People, the added value of Enolgas Bonomi, play a fundamental role in the company's philosophy; the Group includes, at all levels, highly qualified professional skills, a highly motivated team that works dynamically in order to respond to the continuous changes in the markets.
Objective: Customer satisfaction.
The Group - From Brescia to Oberkirch, from Sao Roque to Pompano Beach, a Group that covers markets all over the world.